Biblioteca Județeană "Ion Minulescu" Olt

  • Economy : Selected works
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Editor: Lazea, Valentin
    Responsabilitate: ; Editor: Valentin Lazea
    Detalii publicare: Curtea Veche Publishing
    Locul publicării: Bucureşti
    Anul Ediției: 2023
    ISBN: 978-606-44-1385-7
    Descriere: 344 p. : fig., tab.; 24 cm.
    Note: Bibliogr. la sf. capitolelor.
    Note: An incursion in the trajectory of economic decisions in Romania's last quarter of a century.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: România (economie)
    Subiect: evoluţie economică
    Subiect: politică economică
    Subiect: cărţi în limbi străine
    Subiect: text în limba engleză
    Clasificare: 330(498)=111
    Note conţinut: In the context of a dynamic, complex and sometimes whimsical reality, economic policy makers are often faced with countless limitations, risks and uncertainties - all attributes of everyday life. Formulating economic theories implies finding some optimal solutions, for which the policy makers appeal to mundane methods and means. And at the confluence between theory and practice we find expertise, mandatory for establishing solid economic principles. The same expertise underlies the 16 studies included in this volume, which is part of a series of works that mark the 140th anniversary of The National Bank of Romania

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