Biblioteca Județeană "Ion Minulescu" Olt

  • Le pont aux cerisiers : roman
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Álvarez, Blanca
    Translator: Calmels, Anne
    Statement of Responsibility: Blanca Álvarez ; Traduit de l'espagnol par Anne Calmels
    Published: Castor Poche Flammarion
    Place of Publication: Paris
    Year of Publication: 2008
    ISBN: 978-2-0812-0594-9
    Description: 158 p.; 17 cm
    Notes: Tit. original: El puente de los cerezos
    Language: French
    Subject: Literatura spaniolă
    Subject: povesti pentru copii
    Classification: 821.134.2-93-31=133.1
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