Biblioteca Județeană "Ion Minulescu" Olt

  • An Encyclopedia of Tolkien : The History and Mythology That Inspired Tolkien's World
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor incert: Day, David
    Responsabilitate: David Day
    Detalii publicare: Canterbury Classics
    Locul publicării: San Diego
    Anul Ediției: 2019
    ISBN: 978-1-64517-009-9
    Descriere: 544 p. : ill.; 24 cm.
    Note: Index.
    Note: Luxurious rich brown flexibound imitation leather cover.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: literatură engleză
    Subiect: critica literaturii engleze
    Subiect: literatură fantastică
    Subiect: enciclopedie
    Subiect: personaje mitologice
    Subiect: mitologie
    Subiect: Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
    Subiect: text în limba engleză
    Clasificare: 821.111.09-312.9 Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel(031)
    Clasificare: 929 Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
    Clasificare: 016:929 Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
    Note conţinut: A comprehensive, illustrated guide to the history, lands, and inhabitants of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth. In this beautifully illustrated, leather-bound volume, bestselling author and Tolkien scholar Day presents four decades of research and writing on the lands and inhabitants of Middle-earth.The fantasy world of J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth contains a rich assortment of people, cities, and creatures--as well as a deep, intertwined history that spans thousands of years. In this beautifully illustrated, leather-bound volume, best-selling author and Tolkien scholar David Day presents four decades of research and writing on the lands and inhabitants Middle-earth. Sections of this A-to-Z dictionary are devoted to discussion of the battles, history, beasts, and heroes of Tolkien's stories, and are accompanied by black-and-white illustrations. This comprehensive volume on Tolkien's world also includes an appendix of three primary legends that served as sources for Tolkien's creations--the Volsunga saga, the Nibelungenlied, and Richard Wagner's Ring Cycle--and more than 200 black-and-white illustrations
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