Biblioteca Județeană "Ion Minulescu" Olt

  • Metafísicas
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Moreno, Antonio (1964- )
    Statement of Responsibility: Antonio Moreno
    Published: Pre-Textos
    Place of Publication: [Valencia]
    Year of Publication: ©2001
    ISBN: 8481913618
    ISBN: 9788481913613
    Description: 54 p.; 21 cm.
    Language: Spanish
    Other Edition in Another Medium: Metafísicas.
    Subject: Poesía española - Siglo XX
    Subject: Poesía española - s. XX-XXI
    Subject: Literatura española
    Subject: Poesía española
    Classification: 821.134.2-84"19"
    Classification: 860-1"19/20"
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